Celebrating Easter around Europe


As Easter celebrations are near students from around Europe are going to prepare different activities and exchange them with each other. They are going to use various technological aids to record and upload their work. Cele The aim of this project is to create an Easter activity and exchange them with each other. The students are going to prepare videos, photos and Powerpoints related to Easter traditions. The students will become aware of different Easter traditions around Europe. Through videoconferences they will meet their etwinning friends virtually. Postęp działań The activities will take place during the month of March/ April. Each etwinning partner will prepare an Easter activity and upload it on Twinspace to share it with the other participants. Each etwinning group will use different technological aids/ web2tools to present their work. Spodziewane rezultaty The participants are expected to learn from each other and from this new experience. This will be something new as a school to start a project. The teachers will learn how to use Twinspace and other web2tools so that in the future they can engage in other projects. This short project will give the participants a taste of what etwinning is all about so that they will be aware that similar projects will bring a positive change in their everyday teaching. Each participant will acquire a new project experience .